Lean Six Sigma offers some of the world’s most popular process improvement tools. All over the globe, businesses use Lean and Six Sigma training to eliminate waste and stamp out inefficiencies before they turn into major expenses. That means it is also a process that is widely recognised by businesses in almost every country and industry, so having Lean Six Sigma experience on your resume is a good idea for every process improvement professional. To help you update your CV and take the next step in your career, we want to cover the best ways to put Lean Six Sigma on your resume.
Lay Out Your Lean Six Sigma Qualifications
The simplest place to begin when writing your resume is to include your exact Lean Six Sigma qualifications. Lean Six Sigma is a widely recognised practise that is valued by managers and directors in a wide range of industries, and obtaining qualifications through a recognised training organisation is the best place to begin. Establish whether you are a Yellow Belt, Green Belt or Black Belt, and include the certifier’s details and the date you undertook training. Where relevant, you can also include details about whether the qualification is part of your organisation’s training or whether it was an investment of your personal time.
Include Relevant Process Improvement Roles
Large businesses, especially in the supply and manufacturing industries, often have dedicated process improvement teams. With large processes come opportunities for inefficiencies and impressive improvements, so any role where you took part in dedicated Lean Six Sigma teams will look fantastic on your resume. Similarly, if your organisation does not have dedicated Lean Six Sigma roles, unofficial roles can still be listed on your resume. If you held one job title officially but were involved in process improvement as additional work, that still counts towards your relevant industry experience. In both cases, you should be specific about your role and the responsibilities that came along with it.
Discuss Your Lean Six Sigma Projects
Perhaps the best demonstration of your Lean Six Sigma qualifications, any projects you have worked on or led are an important inclusion on your resume. Headhunters, directors and hiring managers often look for simple ways to decide whether a new employee can add value to their team. Having concrete experience and hard numbers to back up your performance in previous roles is easy proof of your value. Remember too that your resume should always offer the brief details of projects – that means you have room to expand the resume entry and explain:
- The problem the business was facing, including any statistics about organisational waste or inefficiencies you were attempting to improve.
- The solution that was developed by the process improvement team.
- How it was implemented and any challenges you may have overcome.
- The results of your improvements and how you arrived at those particular measurement metrics.
Provide Relevant References
It is often the case that landing a new job involves a large element of networking. The people you know and the people who can vouch for your capabilities are one of your biggest assets. While seeking references or reference letters from your employers, managers and directors, consider obtaining a reference from previous process improvement projects. A team leader or company director who oversaw the projects you worked on had a front-row seat to your training and capabilities and will be able to provide a quality reference to any future employers.
Looking to Boost Your Resume with Lean Six Sigma? Contact Thornley Group Today!
Lean Six Sigma principles are not limited to process improvement professionals. While the systems we teach were originally intended for those uses, they now have much farther reaching purchases in roles from every industry. Adding Lean Six Sigma experience to your resume is a fantastic opportunity to stand out from other applicants and make a name for yourself among fellow professionals. If you are ready to undertake your next Lean Six Sigma certification, then Thornley Group would love to hear from you. Contact Thornley Group today for more details about our courses and how you can get involved.